Our Vision

Trash is not something most of think about, but it’s predicted there’ll be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050 and the one of main reasons recycling and composting aren’t as effective as they could be is because of contamination. We as people often accidentally mess up batches because we wish the pizza box or the laundry detergent bottles could be recycled.

So we’re using AI to take the decision making burden off of humans, reduce contamination, change the culture, and getting more composted and recycled, especially for schools, businesses, and recycling facilities.

The founder

With a Bachelor of Arts in Public Health & Public Policy and a minor in Environmental Studies from Franklin & Marshall College, Tenny-Ann has done environmental work in the forests of Costa Rica and lead poisoning and prevention research in the communities of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. As a Posse Foundation Scholar and an Aspen Climate Leader, she takes an holistic approach to leadership, not through the titles she holds, but in how she interacts with people everyday. When she’s now working on Toothpik, you can find her doing climate community organizing work.

Tenny-Ann sees waste as one of the biggest issues of our time, and she also sees a great opportunity to revamp an outdated and inefficient system to make a difference in the way we trash.

Open Positions

  • Marketing & Communications Intern

    Shape our brand to drive growth, awareness, and impact.

  • Technical Assistant Intern

    Help develop our AI-powered software, supporting our pilot program launch.

  • Sustainable Operations Intern

    Ensure smooth and sustainable program execution, growth, and longevity.